4 Most Common Signs Of Gas Leak In The House

Whether you have underground or above ground gas lines they get corrode over time. Timely inspection of gas pipes can help in preventing any unfortunate event. If you happen to notice any of these signs, then it's time for gas leak repair in Long Beach, CA:

1. Dead Plants

Even though you can’t directly observe the gas lines underneath the soil, if there is a noticeable patch of dead vegetation, then there is certainly a leaking gas pipe underneath the soil.

2. Hissing Sound

If you hear a hissing sound near your gas lines, you might have a gas leak. In fact, a hissing sound normally means you have a substantial leak. If you hear a hissing sound near your air conditioner, then it could be a leaking refrigerant line, a leaking valve, or a bad compressor.

3. Rotten Egg Smell
Natural gas and propane have a distinctive smell that reassemble to that of rotten eggs. If you notice such odor take small amount of soap water and drop it around the nozel. If bubbles form it means there is leakage.

4. White Mist or Fog
If you see an unusual cloud of mist or fog around your your house, it could mean a ruptured gas line.

If you find a gas leak:

If you detect a gas leak, open up some windows and doors, and leave the area immediately. Never try to turn off the gas as you could cause a spark or damage pipes and appliances or try using a match stick to check the leakage. Let professionals look for the spot of leakage and fix it.


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